The role of Director of intellectual property jobs often differs from one company to another. But at its core the Director is expected to be the authority on intellectual property matters within the institution. This may involve providing assistance in the preparation of requisite legal documentation, assistance in securing patents for ideas and technologies that the institution has developed, undertaking research on new legal requirements around patents and provision of process support to the organization. This is an executive position that will provide important input to overall company strategy. The absence of an intellectual property component within companies has seen many companies pay millions of dollars for copyright infringement.

There are many industries where one can find Director of intellectual property jobs. These range from publishers of children books, technology companies to pharmaceutical firms. A publisher of children's books will need to be certain that not only is the content they are publishing original but that any books they publish are patented appropriately. Pharmaceutical firms will want to ensure that the technology that goes into the formula of their drugs is not used by someone else. In essence, this type of job will find most relevance in an organization whose core business or function entails continuous innovation.

As far as requirements for the job go, most organizations will favor persons with a law qualification when short-listing for intellectual property Director. The seniority of the position demands that the successful candidate be someone that has a several years of practice in the field of intellectual property and patent law. In addition, training along the lines of the industry segment in which the job lies is important. For instance, if one were looking for Director of IP jobs in the pharmaceutical industry, training in a medical field such as medicine or pharmacy would be an important advantage.


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    June 2010



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